Shmuel S. Oren
Public Lectures, Seminars and
Conference Presentations (Since Jan. 2015)
- HICSS48, “Stochastic Modeling of Multi-Area Wind Power Production”, Kauai, Hawaii, January 5-8, 2015.
- Mitsubishi Corporation Executive Retreat, Invited Lecture, “A Market in Transition: Developments in the California Electricity Market”, San Francisco, CA, March 31, 2015.
- USC Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Invited Seminar, “A Smart Market for a Smart Grid”, Los Angeles CA, April 14, 2015.
- Platts Transmission Planning and Development Conference, Invited talk “New Paradigms for Transmission Planning and Operation”, Washington DC, June 15-16, 2015.
- CRRI 28th Western Conference on Economics of Regulated Industries, “Efficiency Impact of Convergence Bidding on the California Electricity Market”, (with Ruoyang Li and Alva Svoboda) Monterey, California, June 26, 2015.
- American Control Conference “A Fuse Control Paradigm for Demand Side Management: Formulation and Stochastic Pricing Analysis”, with Margellos Kostas (presenter), Chicago, Ill, July 1-3, 2015.
- ISMP 2015, “A Spatial Branch-and-Bound Method for ACOPF”, with Chen Chen (presenter) and Alper Atamturk, Pittsburgh, PA, July 12-17, 2015.
- ISMP 2015, “A Business Model for Load Control Aggregation to Firm up Renewable Capacity”, with Clay Campaign and Kostas Margellos, Pittsburgh, PA, July 12-17, 2015.
- Colombia XM, 20 Anniversary Conference, Plenary “Financial Instruments and Risk Management in Competitive Electricity Markets”, Medellin, Colombia, July 22-23.
- IEEE PES GM, Invited panel presentation, “Opportunity Cost Pricing for Flexible Ramping Reserves”, Denver CO, July 26-30, 2015.
- IEEE PES GM, Invited panel on the Future Economics of the Grid, “Efficiency Impact of Convergence Bidding in the California Electricity Market” (with Rouyang Li and Alva Svoboda), Denver CO, July 26-30, 2015.
- CERTS Annual Project Review, “A Business Model for Load Control Aggregation”, Cornell University, August 5-6, 2015.
- EPFL Conference on Demand Response, Plenary “A Historical Perspective and Business Model for Load Control Aggregation”, Lausanne, Switzerland September 10, 2015.
- EPFL Workshop on Demand Response, “Electricity Industry Restructuring and ISO Markets in the US”, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 11, 2015.
- IDEI Conference on the Economics of Energy and Climate “Efficiency Impact of Convergence Bidding in the California Electricity Market”, (with Ruoyang Li and Alva Svoboda), Toulouse, France, September 8-9, 2015.
- Catholic University of Chile, Conference on Energy Economics, Planery talk, “Evolution and Structure of Electricity Markets in the US”, Santiago, Chile October 15, 2015.
- Catholic University of Chile, Conference on Energy Economics, Planery talk, “Ancillary Service Markets and Flexibility Procurement in Restructured Electricity Systems”, Santiago, Chile October 15, 2015.
- INFORMS annual meeting, invited talk “Stochastic Unit Commitment with Topology Control Recourse for Renewable Interation”, with Jiaying Shi, (November 1-4) Philadelphia, PA.
- INFORMS annual meeting, invited talk “Power Markets with Real and Reactive Power Based on a Sequential Linear Approximation to ACOPF”, (with Paula Lipka), (November 1-4) Philadelphia, PA.
- 21 Congreso Mercado De Energia Mayorista, Keynote, “The Evolution of Electricity Markets in the US and Lesson for Colombia”, Cartagena, Colombia, November 6, 2015.
- ISESO 2015, Keynote, “Smart Markets for a Smart Electricity Grid”, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, Germany, November 19-10, 2015.
- KIT Institute for Industrial Production, Chair of Energy Economics, Invited Lecture, “A business Model for Load Response Aggregation to Firm up Renewable Resources”, Karlsruhe, Germany, November 11, 2015.
- IPAM Workshop on Optimization and Equilibrium in Energy Economics, Invited Lecture, “Stochastic Unit Commitment with Topology Control Recourse for Renewables Integration”, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA January 11-15, 2016.
- Rutgers 35 Eastern Conference, Invited Talk, “Firming Renewable Power with Demand Response: An End to End Aggregator Business ”, (with Clay Campaign), Shawnee, PA, May 11-13, 2016.
- Cities Third General Consortium Meeting, Keynote, “Smart Markets for a Smart Grid”, DTU Lyngby Campus Denmark, May 24-25, 2016.
- PSCC2016, “Wind Integration through Stochastic Unit commitment with Topology Control Recourse”, with Shi, Jiaying, Genova,
- IEEE PES GM, Invited Supersession, “Firming Renewable Power with Demand Response: An End-to End Aggregator Business Model,”, with Clay Campaign, Boston MA, July17-21, 2016.
- ACOLGEN Annual Conference, invited panel presentation, “Market Reform Proposal for Colombia”, Bogota, Colombia, August 1, 2016.
- CLAIO 2016, Invited Plenary Lecture, “Opportunities and Challenges for OR in Electricity Markets”, October 4, 2016.
- Israel Electricity Corp., Invited workshop, “New Frontiers in Electricity Distribution Systems: Toward Democratizing the Grid”, Haifa, Israel, November 7, 2016
- Electricity 2016 Conference, Invited workshop, “New Frontiers in Electricity Distribution Systems: Toward Democratizing the Grid, Eilat, Israel Nov 9, 2016.
- NTNU Winter School, Invited tutorial, “Oligopolistic Market Equilibrium Models in Congested Nodal Markets and Their Application”, Passo del Tonales, Italy, January 15-21, 2017.
- Bay Area Optimization Meeting 2017, Invited Talk, “Challenges and Opportunities for Optimization in Electricity Markets”, University of California, Davis, CA. May 12-13, 2017.
- CITIES 4th Consortium Meeting, Keynote, “Distributed Resource Integration in the US:
A Markets Perspective”, May 30-31, Aarhus, Denmark.
- IEEE PES 2017 GM, Invited panel presentation, “Whole sale electricity market design for distributed energy resources”, Chicago, ILL, July 20, 2017.
- EPOC workshop, Invited Plenary talk, “Mobilizing Grid Flexibility for Renewables Integration through Enhanced Computation”, University of Auckland, New Zealand, July 27, 2017.
- UBC Sauder School, UBC, Invited Seminar “Challenges and Opportunities for Optimization in Electricity Markets”, Vancouver , Canada, September 18, 2017.
- INFORMS annual meeting, Invited talk, “An Aggregator Business Model for Distribution Level Electricity Markets”, Houston, Texas, October 21-25, 2017.
- Mexican Electricity Market Monitoring Unit, CRE, Invited Workshop, “New Frontiers in Electricity Distribution Systems: Toward Democratizing the Grid”, Mexico City, December 5, 2017.
- CELSIA, Invited presentation of project summary, “Opportunities for Demand Response in the Colombian Electricity Market”, with Alfredo Garcia, Cali, Colombia, December 13, 2017.
- Distributed Energy Resources Workshop, Invited Plenary Talk, “The Hidden Cost of Feed-in Tariffs for Renewable Generation”, with Georgios Patsakis, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, January 12-13, 2018.
- Simon Institute workshop on Societal Networks, Invited talk, “Mobilizing Grid Flexibility for Renewable Integration through Enhanced Computation”, with Jiaying Shi, Berkeley, CA March 29, 2018.
- Workshop on Surveillance of Complex Auction Markets, Keynote, “Market Design, Monitoring and Mitigation in the US Electricity Market”, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Nederland, May 24, 2018.
- INFORMS International Conference, Keynote, “Smart Markets for a Smart Electricity Grid”, Taipei, Taiwan, June 17-20, 2018.
- Tsinghua University, Invited seminar, “Mobilizing Grid Flexibility for Renewables Integration through Enhanced Computation”, Beijing, China, July 10, 2018.
- TBSI, Invited seminar, ““Mobilizing Grid Flexibility for Renewables Integration through Enhanced Computation”, Shenzhen, China, July 18, 2018.
- Southern Grid Company, Invited Lecture, “Smart Markets for a Smart Grid”, Guangzhou, China, July 20, 2018.
- IEEE 2018 PES General Meeting, Invited Panel presentation, “Market Design for Distributed Energy Resources”, Portland, Oregon, August 5-9, 2018.
- KIT, Invited Seminar, “Mobilizing Grid Flexibility for Renewables Integration through Enhanced Computation”, Karlsruhe, Germany, August 28, 2018.
- PSERC WEBMINAR, Invited Lecture, “Mobilizing Grid Flexibility for Renewables Integration through Enhanced Computation”, September 4, 2018.
- University of Texas, Invited Seminar, “Challenges and Opportunities for OR in Electricity Markets”, Austin, Texas, September 7, 2018.
- EBI-SHELL Workshop, Invited presentation: “Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources Into the Power Grid”, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA October 18-19, 2018.
- Chilean Energy Economics Workshop, Plenary talk, “Electricity Market Design for Integration of Distributed Energy Resources and”, Catholic University, Santiago, Chile, November 15, 2018.
- Chilean Energy Economics Workshop, plenary talk, “The Impact of GHG Regulation on Oligopolistic Electricity Market Equilibrium”, Catholic University, Santiago, Chile, November 15, 2018.
- Hawaii International Conference on System Science, “The Hidden Cost of Priority Dispatch for Wind Power”, with Georgio Patsakis, January 8-11, 2019.
- Newton Institute, Cambridge University, Invited Lecture, “Market Design for Distributed Energy Resources”, Cambridge, UK, April 23, 2019.
- Newton Institute, Cambridge University, Invited Lecture, “Mobilizing Grid Flexibility for Renewable Integration through Topology Control and Dynamic Line Rating”, Workshop MESW03, Cambridge, UK, April 29-May 3, 2019.
- Market Place Innovation Workshop”, Invited Plenary Talk, “Efficiency Impact of Convergence Bidding in the California Electricity Market”, Stanford University Graduate School of Business, Stanford CA, June 4-5, 2019.
- IEEE PES PowerTech Conference “A Combinatorial Algorithm for Large-Scale Power System Islanding”, with Georgios Patsakis, Milan Italy, June 23-27, 2019.
- IEEE PES PowerTech Conference “Line Selection and Algorithm Selection for Transmission Switching by Machine Learning Methods”, with Zhu Yang, Milan Italy, June 23-27, 2019.
- TBSI Workshop, Invited talk, “An Aggregator Business Model for a Virtual Power Plant”, Shenzhen China July 15-16, 2019
- IEEE PES GM, Invited panel speaker, “Markets for Ramping”, Atlanta, Georgia, August 4-8, 2019.
- IEEE PES GM, Invited panel speaker, “A Fuse Control Paradigm for Demand Response Aggregation”, Atlanta, Georgia, August 4-8, 2019.
- Purple Mountain International Forum on Smart Grid Protection and Operation Control, Keynote, “Mobilizing Grid Flexibility for Renewables Integration through Topology Control and Dynamic Thermal Ratings”, Nanjing, China August 17-18, 2019.
- Felix Hoffler Memorial Lecture, Kenote, “Firming Wind Power with Demand Response: An End to END Aggregator Business Model”, EWI Cologne, Germany, September 25, 2019.
- CITIES Annual General Meeting, Plenary talk “Firming Wind Power with Demand Response: An End to End Aggregator Business Model”, Sønderborg, Denmark, October 1-2, 2019.
- INFORMS Annual Meeting, Invited talk, “Demand Side Risk Management in Electricity Markets”, Seattle, Washington, October 20-24, 2019.
- TAMU, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Distinguished Lecture, C“hallenges and Opportunities for OR in Electricity Markets”, November 8, 2019.
- Georgia Tech Workshop on Energy Systems and Optimization, Plenary Speaker, “Mobilizing Greed Flexibility for Renewables Integration through Topology Control and Dynamic Thermal ratings”, Atlanta GA, November 14-15, 2019.
- IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC 2019), Keynote, “Market Design for Distributed Energy Resources”, Beijing, China, November 21-23, 2019.
- HICSS53, Paper Presentation “A Merchant Transmission Approach for Uniform-Price Electricity Markets”, With Philipp Staudt, Maui, Hawaii, January 7-10, 2020.
- Aalto Systems, Forum, Invited Lecture, “Challanges and Opportunities for OR in Electricity Markets”, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, March 6, 2020.
- IEEE PES GM, Invited Panel presentation, “DER integration through Virtual Power Plants”, Virtual presentation August 4, 2020.
- Brattle Load Flexibility Virtual Workshop, Invited Panelist, October 20-21, 2020.
- CITIES Last Conference, DTU, Invited Plenary, “Market based mechanisms for mobilizing electric demand flexibility”, Virtual meeting November 9, 2020.
- INFORMS Annual Meeting, Invited Panelist, “Demand Side Risk Management for Electricity Supply”, Virtual Presentation, November 13, 2020.
- Member of steering committee and session moderator for “PSER/NSF workshop on GRID EDGE”, March 23-24, 2021.
- SFB Workshop on Decision Making in Distributed and Volatile Energy Markets. Invited Plenary Speaker, “Market Based Mechanisms for Mobilizing Electric Demand Flexibility”. April 21, 2021.
- EURO 2021, Invited talk, “Firming Renewable Power with Demand Response: An End to End Business Model”, (With C, Campaigne), Athens Greece, July 11-14, 2021.
- IEEE PES GM, Invited Panel on Managing Delivery Risk, “Supply Function for Demand -Based VPP”, Virtual Conference, July 26-29, 2021.
- IEEE PES GM, Invited Panel on 10 years to FERC Order 745, “Retail Demand Response: Dynamically Priced Commodity vs. Quality Differentiated Service”, Virtual Conference, July 26-29, 2021.
- IEEE PES GM, Invited Panel on Tribute to Eugene Litvinov, Virtual Confeence, July 26-29, 2021.
- IFORS 2021 (Virtual), Keynote, “Mobilizing Grid Flexibility for Reneable Integration through Enhanced Computation”, Seoul S Korea, August 28, 2021.
- C3DTI Seminar, Invited webinar,“An End to End Business Model for Load Control Aggregation to Firm Up Renewable Capacity”, September 2, 2021.
- INFORMS 2021, Keynote, “Challenges and Opportunities for Operations Research in Electricity Markets”, Anaheim, CA October 24, 2021.
- INFORMS 2021, Hotelling Medal presentation, “Mobilizing demand flexibility through priority service-based VPP”, Anaheim, CA, October 24, 2021.
- INFORMS 2021, Invited talk, “Supply function for demand based resources”, Anaheim, CA, October 24, 2021.
- IEEE PES General Meeting. Invited Panel Presentation, “Developing the VPP Supply Function”, Denver, Colorado, July 17-21, 2022.
- IEEE PES General Meeting. Invited Panel Presentation, “Priority Service for Clean Energy”, (With Hung Po Chao), Denver, Colorado, July 17-21, 2022.
- IEEE PES General Meeting. Invited Panel Presentation, “Stochastic Market Auction Redesigned Trading System (SMARTS)”, Denver, Colorado, July 17-21, 2022.
- Bulk Power Systems Dynamics and Control Symposium (IREP 2022), Presentation (with Tomas Valencia Zuluaga), “Sizing Co-located Storage for Uncertain Renewable Energy Sold Through Forward Contracts”, Banff, Canada, July 25-30, 2022.
- International Conference on the Future of Energy, Keynote Speaker, “Mobilizing Demand Flexibility in Wholesale Electricity Markets to Support Decarbonization”, October 6-7, 2022. Santiago, Chile.
- INFORMS 2022, “Stochastic Market Auction Redesigned Trading System (SMARTS)”, Indianapolis, IN, October 16-19, 2022.
- Invited Seminar, “Mobilizing Demand Flexibility in Wholesale Electricity Markets with VPP Supply Functions” , ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, January 20, 2023.
- Marcel Boiteaux 100 birthday Inaugural Lecture, “Mobilizing Demand Flexibility to Support Decarbonization through Virtual Power Plants”, CentraleSupelec University, Paris , France April 18, 2023.
- Invited Keynote: “Electricity Market Design in the US, Basic Challenges and Solutions”, Energy Systems Stability 2040 and Beyond, Delmenhorst, Germany, June 15-16, 2023.
- Invited Panelist: “Risk Controlled Supply Function for Virtual Power Plants based on Aggregated Grid Edge Devices”, IFAC Grid Edge Technology Workshop, Yokohama, Japan , July 9, 2023.
- Plenary Talk, “Workably Competitive Electricity Markets: It works in practice, but will it work in theory”, Workshop on Algorithms, Approximation, and Learning in Market and Mechanism Design, MSRI, Berkeley, CA, November 6-9, 2023.
- Invited Seminar, “Design of a Bid-based Wholesale Energy Market, Ancillary Services and Capacity Market in Chile” (with Alex Papalexopoulos), Coordinator Electrico Nacional and Pontificia Universidad Catholica de Chile, March 26, 2024.
- Berkeley Semi-autonomous Seminar, Invited talk. “Mobilizing load flexibility in wholesale electricity markets via VPPs”, April 12, 2024.
- PSCC 2024, “Parallel computing for power system climate resiliency: Solving a large-scale stochastic capacity expansion problem with mpi-sppy”, (with Tomas Valencia Zuluaga, Amelia Musselman, Jean-Paul Watson), Paris, France June 4-7, 2024.
- FERC Software Conference, “Parallel computing for Stochastic Power Systems Expansion Planning”, (with Tomas Valencia Zuluaga, Amelia Musselman, Jean-Paul Watson), Washington DC, July 9-11, 2024.
Updated July 2024